Special Discount on Lemonade Stand for National Lemonade Day

Our Story

Meet the designer

With a background in the textile industry and master’s degree in textile design from Central Saint Martin London, UK, Mamta Dewan – a designer and mother of two- wanted to build an entertainment outlet not powered by batteries. Her exclusive and imaginative objects spark joy and creativity, enabling collaborative play to flourish.


Core Values

To inspire self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play among kids through toys and play settings.

Made with love, in India

Created to improve your child’s playing & learning experience.

I am delighted to showcase our collection of Role Play toys. In this new catalogue, I present items of unmatched quality that exceed the highest standards in design, quality and durability.

Before introducing our latest toys, I would like to dwell on 30th Anniversary of The Maison Company India, the parent company of our brand Role Play. Without valued customers like you, we would not have reached this milestone. Therefore, I wish to express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to you.

By adapting traditional crafts to modern demands, we have created toys that the discerning customer like you would love to get for your children. From iconic play tents to comfy activity centers to cheerful plush toys, from classy sofa chairs to majestic ceiling tents, all are designed to personalize your kids’ room and bring happiness.

Leonardo da Vinci said ‘’Details make perfection, and perfection is not a detail’’. This attention to detail is the guiding principle in every toy we design. Our distinctive toys are created to inspire imagination, curiosity and wonder.

Browse this catalogue to find that exclusive toy you are looking for.

Mamta Dewan